Datasheet Texas Instruments ADS821 — Ficha de datos

FabricanteTexas Instruments
Datasheet Texas Instruments ADS821

Convertidor analógico a digital (ADC) de 10 bits y 40 MSPS

Hojas de datos

10-Bit, 40MHz Sampling Analog-To-Digital Converter datasheet
PDF, 388 Kb, Revisión: B, Archivo publicado: feb 14, 2005
Extracto del documento



Estado del ciclo de vidaObsoleto (El fabricante ha interrumpido la producción del dispositivo)Obsoleto (El fabricante ha interrumpido la producción del dispositivo)Activo (Recomendado para nuevos diseños)
Disponibilidad de muestra del fabricanteNoNoNo


Package TypeDBDBDW
Width (mm)
Length (mm)
Thickness (mm)1.951.952.35
Pitch (mm).65.651.27
Max Height (mm)222.65
Mechanical DataDescargarDescargarDescargar
Package QTY20
Device MarkingADS821U


Parameters / ModelsADS821E
# Input Channels111
Analog Input BW, MHz65
Analog Input BW(MHz)6565
Approx. Price (US$)19.91 | 1ku19.91 | 1ku
DNL(Max), +/-LSB1
DNL(Typ), +/-LSB0.5
ENOB, Bits9.3
INL(Max), +/-LSB2
INL(Typ), +/-LSB0.5
Input BufferNoNoNo
Input Range, Vp-p2V (p-p)2V (p-p)2
InterfaceParallel CMOSParallel CMOSParallel CMOS
Operating Temperature Range, C-40 to 85
Operating Temperature Range(C)-40 to 85-40 to 85
Package Size: mm2:W x L, PKG28SOIC: 184 mm2: 10.3 x 17.9(SOIC)
Package Size: mm2:W x L (PKG)28SOIC: 184 mm2: 10.3 x 17.9(SOIC)28SOIC: 184 mm2: 10.3 x 17.9(SOIC)
Power Consumption(Typ), mW390
Power Consumption(Typ)(mW)390390
Reference ModeExt
Resolution, Bits10
SFDR, dB62
SNR, dB58
Sample Rate(Max), MSPS40
Sample Rate(Max)(MSPS)4040

Plan ecológico

Pb gratisNoNo

Notas de aplicación

  • ADS82x ADC with non-uniform sampling clock
    PDF, 234 Kb, Archivo publicado: feb 28, 2005
  • CDCE62005 as Clock Solution for High-Speed ADCs
    PDF, 805 Kb, Archivo publicado: sept 4, 2008
    TI has introduced a family of devices well-suited to meet the demands for high-speed ADC devices such as the ADS5527 which is capable of sampling up to 210 MSPS. To realize the full potential of these high-performance products it is imperative to provide a low phase noise clock source. The CDCE62005 clock synthesizer chip offers a real-world clocking solution to meet these stringent requirements
  • Smart Selection of ADC/DAC Enables Better Design of Software-Defined Radio
    PDF, 376 Kb, Archivo publicado: abr 28, 2009
    This application report explains different aspects of selecting analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog data converters for Software-Defined Radio (SDR) applications. It also explains how ADS61xx ADCs and the DAC5688 from Texas Instruments fit properly for SDR designs.
  • Driving High-Speed ADCs: Circuit Topologies and System-Level Parameters (Rev. A)
    PDF, 327 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: sept 10, 2010
    This application report discusses the performance-related aspects of passive and active interfaces at the analog input of high-speed pipeline analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The report simplifies the many possibilities into two main categories: passive and active interface circuits. The first section of the report gives an overview of equivalent models of buffered and unbuffered ADC input cir
  • Phase Noise Performance and Jitter Cleaning Ability of CDCE72010
    PDF, 2.3 Mb, Archivo publicado: jun 2, 2008
    This application report presents phase noise data taken on the CDCE72010 jitter cleaner and synchronizer PLL device. The phase noise performance of the CDCE72010 depends on the phase noise of the reference clock VCXO clock and the CDCE72010 itself. This application report shows the phase noise performance at several of the most popular CDMA frequencies. This data helps the user to choose the rig
  • CDCE72010 as a Clocking Solution for High-Speed Analog-to-Digital Converters
    PDF, 424 Kb, Archivo publicado: jun 8, 2008
    Texas Instruments has recently introduced a family of devices suitable to meet the demands of high-speed high-IF sampling analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) such as the ADS5483 which is capable of sampling up to 135 MSPS. To realize the full potential of these high-performance devices the system must provide an extremely low phase noise clock source. The CDCE72010 clock synthesizer chip offers
  • Analog-to-Digital Converter Grounding Practices Affect System Performance (Rev. A)
    PDF, 69 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: mayo 18, 2015
  • A Glossary of Analog-to-Digital Specifications and Performance Characteristics (Rev. B)
    PDF, 425 Kb, Revisión: B, Archivo publicado: oct 9, 2011
    This glossary is a collection of the definitions of Texas Instruments' Delta-Sigma (О”ОЈ), successive approximation register (SAR), and pipeline analog-to-digital (A/D) converter specifications and performance characteristics. Although there is a considerable amount of detail in this document, the product data sheet for a particular product specification is the best and final reference.
  • Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion (Rev. A)
    PDF, 132 Kb, Revisión: A, Archivo publicado: abr 16, 2015
  • Interleaving Analog-to-Digital Converters
    PDF, 64 Kb, Archivo publicado: oct 2, 2000
    It is tempting when pushing the limits of analog-to-digital conversion to consider interleaving two or more converters to increase the sample rate. However, such designs must take into consideration several possible sources of error.
  • What Designers Should Know About Data Converter Drift
    PDF, 95 Kb, Archivo publicado: oct 2, 2000
    Exactly how inaccurate will a change in temperature make an analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog converter? As designers are well aware, a 12-bit device may provide a much lower accuracy at its operating-temperature extremes, perhaps only to 9 or even 8 bits. But for lack of more precise knowledge, many play it safe (and expensive) and overspecify.

Linea modelo

Serie: ADS821 (3)

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Semiconductors> Data Converters> Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)> High Speed ADCs (>10MSPS)