Datasheet LTC2420 (Analog Devices)

FabricanteAnalog Devices
Descripción20-Bit µPower No Latency ∆Σ™ ADC in SO-8
Páginas / Página36 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. 20-Bit ADC in SO-8 Package. 8ppm INL, No Missing …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. 20-Bit ADC in SO-8 Package. 8ppm INL, No Missing Codes at 20 Bits. 4ppm Full-Scale Error. 0.5ppm Offset

Datasheet LTC2420 Analog Devices

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LTC2420 20-Bit µPower No Latency ∆ΣTM ADC in SO-8

20-Bit ADC in SO-8 Package
The LTC®2420 is a micropower 20-bit A/D converter with ■
8ppm INL, No Missing Codes at 20 Bits
an integrated oscillator, 8ppm INL and 1.2ppm RMS ■
4ppm Full-Scale Error
noise that operates from 2.7V to 5.5V. It uses delta-sigma ■
0.5ppm Offset
technology and provides a digital filter that settles in a ■
1.2ppm Noise
single cycle for multiplexed applications. Through a single ■
Digital Filter Settles in a Single Cycle. Each
pin, the LTC2420 can be configured for better than 110dB
Conversion Is Accurate, Even After an Input Step
rejection at 50Hz or 60Hz ±2%, or it can be driven by an ■
Fast Mode: 16-Bit Noise, 12 Bits TUE at 100sps
external oscillator for a user-defined rejection frequency ■ Internal Oscillator—No External Components in the range 1Hz to 800Hz. The internal oscillator requires Required no external frequency setting components. ■ 110dB Min, 50Hz/60Hz Notch Filter The converter accepts any external reference voltage from ■ Reference Input Voltage: 0.1V to VCC 0.1V to VCC. With its extended input conversion range of ■ Live Zero—Extended Input Range Accommodates –12.5% V 12.5% Overrange and Underrange REF to 112.5% VREF, the LTC2420 smoothly resolves the offset and overrange problems of preceding ■ Single Supply 2.7V to 5.5V Operation sensors or signal conditioning circuits. ■ Low Supply Current (200µA) and Auto Shutdown ■ Pin Compatible with 24-Bit LTC2400 The LTC2420 communicates through a flexible 3-wire
digital interface which is compatible with SPI and
MICROWIRETM protocols. , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. ■ Weight Scales No Latency ∆Σ is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. ■ Direct Temperature Measurement MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. ■ Gas Analyzers ■ Strain Gauge Transducers ■ Instrumentation ■ Data Acquisition ■ Industrial Process Control ■ 4-Digit DVMs
U Total Unadjusted Error (3V Supply) TYPICAL APPLICATIO
10 VCC = 3V 8 VREF = 2.5V 2.7V TO 5.5V 6 1µF VCC= INTERNAL OSC/50Hz REJECTION 1 8 4 V = EXTERNAL CLOCK SOURCE CC FO = INTERNAL OSC/60Hz REJECTION 2 LTC2420 0 REFERENCE 2 7 –2 VOLTAGE V ERROR (ppm) REF SCK 0.1V TO VCC –4 3-WIRE TA = –55°C, –45°C, 25°C, 90°C ANALOG –6 3 6 SPI INTERFACE INPUT RANGE VIN SDO –0.12V –8 REF TO 1.12VREF 4 5 GND CS –10 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 2420 TA01 INPUT VOLTAGE (V) 2420 G01 1