Datasheet Linear Technology LTC4414EMS8#TRPBF — Ficha de datos

FabricanteLinear Technology
Numero de parteLTC4414EMS8#TRPBF

Controlador PowerPath de baja pérdida de 36 V para PFET grandes

Hojas de datos

LTC4414 - 36V, Low Loss PowerPath Controller for Large PFETs
PDF, 174 Kb, Revisión: C, Archivo subido: oct 26, 2017
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Package CodeMS8
Package Index05-08-1660


Number of Channels1
Demo BoardsDC1635A
Design ToolsLTspice Model
Diode Off with Back-to-Back FETs?yes
Export Controlno
Ideal DiodeSingle, External, P-Channel
Internal FETno
Ishutdown26 µA
Operating Temperature Range0 to 85 °C
Total Quiescent Current0.036 mA
Typical Current Capability20 A
Vin Max36 V
Vin Min3 V

Plan ecológico


Notas de aplicación

  • Extending the Input Voltage Range of PowerPath Circuits for Automotive and Industrial Applications &mdash AN107
    PDF, 77 Kb, Archivo publicado: jul 30, 2006
    The voltage range of Linear Technology's PowerPath circuits can be easily extended with just a few components, thus allowing them to meet the needs of virtually all applications. This application note presents solutions for circuits that must withstand large negative voltages, a reverse adapter input for example, and circuits that must withstand large positive inputs, such as automotive load-dump.
    Extracto del documento

Linea modelo

Clasificación del fabricante

  • Monitor, Control and Protection > PowerPath Controllers & Ideal Diodes

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